Now I’m a native Texan. When I moved up here few years back, I wanted to bring these Yankees some real Texan BB-Q. And I’ll tell you what, I done a pretty darn good job. Key’s my grampappy’s sauce. Heheh, I bet you’d love to know it too, but you cain’t because if I gave it to ya, you’d put me out of business.
But anyways, I decided I wanted to run a real upscale kind of place, you see? No paper placemats or nothing like that. I know it’s barbeque and it can get real messy, but that don’t mean you can’t have a luxurious clean up.
I wanted to give my patrons a lot of leather, you know, to make em feel like they was in cattle country. So I find this here, and can you believe it, these fellers got all the leather products I needed. I bought leather menu covers, leather coasters, leather placemats, all the leather accessories I could find. And plus they got some wood menu covers too, which is real nice for the desert menus, because we typically don’t think of leather and desert together, but still wanted to preserve that there Western feel. So business is still boomin! I tell you, it’s because of all the leather. So if you want some real nice leather menu covers, leather placemats, the whole she-bang, you go to and they’ll help you out there.