What is the first thing you do when you get in a restaurant and sit at the table? No… Except putting the napkin on your legs… Well? You look at the… Menu! That’s right! The menu is the first thing people look at when they visit a restaurant, sometimes, before they even take a sit. This is the face of the business. Now if you’re menu looks like crap, doesn’t matter if you serve the best food in the entire metropolitan area because people will choose another place to eat in. Same goes with hotel rooms, or in any business who needs to present information for their customers.
So how your menu looks like huh? Do you still use that menu that your cousin designed for you back in the 70s? Not good… Design and looks are everything these days and you have to make sure that you are on top of things!
If you think your menu needs an update, you better give us a call. We’re in the business long enough to know how people like their menu covers and we do everything from genuine leather menu covers, bonded leather covers, Italian urethanes, Castilian vinyl, woods & metals. You name it and we’ll put your menu inside it!
So go ahead, visit our site at www.ShildCompany.com and make sure that your menu is as appetizing as your cooking!
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